Treasures of Las Cruces
Aaaarrrgh - Give us your candy!!
The Banned and I went as pirates for Halloween! We had hair and makeup done by Wildfire Hair Co. in Las Cruces, NM (Dawn and Tenniel) and it was a blast. Can you imagine the boys getting EYELINER put on?? Haha! Videos coming, of course.
Ranch Royalty Clothing
I received some new threads from one of my clothing sponsors! Ranch Royalty is one of my favorite brands to wear - and they have been good to me! Their brand is available at a lot of boutiques, so check 'em out. They sent me these jeans which are named "Las Cruces" (same as my hometown). I love them so much, and wear them almost constantly. They are now on sale at my Mama's store too - Treasures of Las Cruces!
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